Sunday, July 25, 2010

reflection week two

This week is the second time we enter the resources class. The class was quite interesting and fun since it involve technology, which is something which able to create the feel of curious and motivation to learn in myself. Yes I admit that sometimes I feel nervous because I’m not too good in technology. Sometimes, I cannot avoid getting helpless and clueless. Although how blurry I am during the class, it cannot stop me from become motivated to learn this course, since the lecturer had opened my eyes on how important this course for me as future teacher.

As assignment and tutorial, we had given a task to log into our blog and update of reflection and anything in the blog from time to time. Compare to pencil paper task, this task is triple times harder since I got zero basic on blogs. But, with some help from friends, a little of extra reading and a little focus during teaching, I was able to create the page which was more like made by a kindergarten children.

We also were given a questionnaire to fill in our particulars and some details about our prior knowledge on the use of internet such as the knowledge on editing audio files, videos, and photos. The questionnaire will help Pn Foziah, who is our lecturer to access on our previous knowledge and next decides on the lessons to be carried out for the coming days. After answered the questionnaire, I found that I was far left behind in technology. There are lots of applications that I don’t know how to use it and worst is, some of application that I don’t know and have no any idea about it.

For future, I need to learn the technology because I believe that technology is helpful in making teaching and learning process become more interesting and meaningful. Pupils will get very excited when the teacher applies technology during lesson. This may help in boost their motivation to learn.

I also was been introduced to lot of new things which had made me shame to myself and my friends. Although all of it was new and blur for me, it had create lot of curious and anxious to learn. Furthermore, it was waste to learn because I that all of them will help me a lot in future in ordertobe a great 21st centurt teacher.

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